We invite all God's Children to Bond their hearts to Him.
If you'd like to help support this ministry, we have a book that we put a lot of time into that we hope you will enjoy.
"Gems of Thought is a little book filled with words of inspiration... You will find wisdom in the quotes and illustrations and you'll be blessed for allowing Gems of Thought to help mold you into the person God wants you to be." - Kay Kuzma, Ed.D - Founder and Speaker of Family Matters
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Presentation Notes
As an Evangelist, Pastor and Guest Speaker at various venues, Delthony has the opportunity to share on a range of subjects.
View our Products
We have created products, books, audio files, all designed to help the family bond their hearts to God.
About our Ministry
Learn the history, the mission, and the passion of this ministry. Find out why we continue "Bonding the Hearts to Home"
Our Mission
Bonding-The-Hearts-For-Home Seminars is a ministry based on the message found in Malachi 4:5 and 6 where the prophet under inspiration from God, calls for the hearts of the fathers to be turned to the hearts of the children and the hearts of the children to the hearts of the fathers. We interpret this call to go beyond earthly fathers and children but to invite all God's children to bond their hearts to Him, the Father in Heaven, in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Hence the Bonding-The-Hearts-For-Home Ministry has a two-fold purpose:
- to help in bonding the hearts at home here on earth and
- to help in bonding the hearts for the Home to come.
About Us
We are a small Bible based, family oriented ministry. We love to provide specialized one to one support and assistance. If there is anyway that we can help, please let us know.